Game Feed

The Update In Which Spectre Takes a Dagger

by NathanKell

HERO CHANGES Alchemist: Acid Spray: Damage changed from to Radius changed from to 2 Lifestealer: Feast: Percent of target HP per hit changed from to 3 Star Effect: Bonus Attack Speed changed from 50 to 30 Bonus Movement Speed Percent changed from 50 to 30 Shadow Shaman: 3 Star Effect: Hex duration changed from 5 to 7 Slardar: Attack Damage Minimum changed from to Attack Damage Maximum changed from to Spectre: Spectral Dagger: Damage changed from to Cooldown changed from to Bonus Attack Speed changed from 200 to 175 Spirit Breaker: Charge of Darkness: Fixed a bug where Spirit Breaker would not damage the target of the Charge. Damage per bash changed from to Tusk: Maximum Health changed from to Viper: Maximum Health changed from to ALLIANCE CHANGES Brute: Damage Reduction changed from to Damage on apply changed from to Rogue: Evasion Percent changed from to Scaled: Magic Resistance Percent changed from to Troll: Attack Speed Bonus for Trolls changed from to Attack Speed Bonus for other a...

We Rotated Out Some More Bugs

by NathanKell

UNDERLORD CHANGES Anessix: Demon Archer no longer scales up damage as Anessix gets closer to casting her ultimate. Rejuvenating Ritual: Description fixed to comport with how the ability actually works. Enno: Dr. Enno's Soothing Balm: Description fixed to comport with how the ability actually works. Hobgen: Let's Go Crazy: Now affects Hobgen himself too. Jull: Happy Hour: Now affects Jull himself too. HERO CHANGES Axe: Culling Blade: No longer blocked by Aphotic Shield. Meepo: Poof: Meepo will shift target cells as needed while channeling, instead of interrupting the channel and starting again whenever his original target cell becomes invalid. Pangolier: Shield Crash: Fixed taunt not working. Puck: Illusory Orb: Puck no longer casts Illusory Orb at out of range targets. Wraith King: Raise Dead: When a dying hero is in range of both friendly and enemy Wraith Kings, the zombie created will be of the same team as the dying hero. ITEM CHANGES Horn of the Alpha: No longer does player damage ...

The Update In Which Medusa's Split Shot Gets Its Shots Split

by NathanKell

GENERAL Fixed a crash in Battle Pass UI on Android. Fixed the spotlights shining brightly and blue-ly on Phantom Assassin and Alchemist. Fixed Alchemist's pants being a bit too shiny and slightly invisible. Fixed a bug where Legion Commander could gain mana from performing a Delta Slam. Fixed Faceless Void appearing to be frozen inside Chronocube (this was a purely visual bug). HERO CHANGES Bristleback: Quill Spray: Cooldown changed from to Medusa: Split Shot: Damage reduction for extra shots changed from -20 to Extra shots changed from 2 to Puck: Illusory Orb: Damage changed from to Cooldown changed from to Queen of Pain: Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 60 Scream Of Pain: Mana Cost changed from 100 to 60 Slark: Essence Shift: Stolen Damage changed from to Stolen Attack Speed changed from to Spectre: Spectral Dagger: Duration of the buff changed from 5.0 to 4.0 Spirit Breaker: Charge of Darkness: Charge now damages the target enemy just like enemies along the way. Sven: Maximum Mana c...

Magically Invulnerable Hotfix + Lord Reward

by NathanKell

FIXES Alchemist is now properly magic immune during all of Chemical Rage. Fixed Necronomicon Brill Bruiser increasing Demon damage. Fixed Shaman alliance creatures not spawning near the highest-star-level Shaman. Fixed Shaman alliance creatures not being targeted by some abilities. Fixed an issue where the Early Bird challenge that now involves Shamans wasn't tracking progress. Fixed an issue where Tomato and Potato didn't get enough bonus damage. Lords of White Spire, you should now have your reward! If you don't get a popup, check out the Wanted Poster Titles screen in Loadout to see the new title.

New Blood On The Streets

by NathanKell

{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35233241/8e63fd79fd39d768925ebb7f4ad69778bf1da5a4.png Introducing a big shakeup on the streets of White Spire as new heroes and old friends/enemies/frenemies join the fray. We've got a lot in store for you this update, everything from a big roster shakeup to new alliances, items, and even a new way to play Standard matches. We've also compressed ranks downward, it's time to show off what you can do with the new lineup! And don't worry Lords, though you may be (temporarily?) Dethroned, we've given you a little keepsake (it will unlock soon after the rank reset). Note that this is a compatibility-breaking update, so until you download the new client on your mobile device you'll only be matched with other users running the old version too. RANK RESET Ranks above Grifter are being compressed downwards by one major level and Grifter and all lowered ranks will be reset to the first minor level. For example, if you're a Big Boss I-V, you'll be a Boss I. If you're a Grifter ...

The Update In Which Back Issues Become Available

by NathanKell

GENERAL As we put the finishing touches on the coming large update, we've enabled back issues for the Early Bird. You can now go back to earlier weeks and claim any rewards you may have missed by being a Late Bird. Fixed an issue accessing prior weeks of the Early Bird. Note that this update may take a few days to roll out on iOS but should be available now on PC and Android. And don't worry--you may have guessed the new heroes, but we still have some surprises up our sleeves. Along with a few knives, this is White Spire after all!

Coming Soon: New Blood On The Streets

by NathanKell

{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35233241/9c23342b88b2cc7e49b42d5f06d517df91945b61.png Hey everyone, As you may have noticed, Underlords updates have been coming slower as of late. There are a bunch of reasons for this. Some of them are internal (many of us have been helping other recent Valve projects ship), some of them are external (2020 everybody). So what will you be seeing soon? In the next few weeks you can expect a hero rotation bringing with it 8 new heroes, old friends, new alliances, and new items as well as a rank reset. See below for a sneak peek! See you in White Spire! {STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/35233241/d08199a892a64318d39868bdb0544f4bf94b2b89.png {STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/35233241/dd485cccf089dfff01a5ccde4744c71f37e56d56.png

The Update In Which Lifestealer Gets Even Angrier

by NathanKell

HERO CHANGES Legion Commander: 3 Star Effect: Allies within attack range of Legion Commander's Duel target will attack that target along with her during the Duel. Lifestealer: 3 Star Effect: Lifestealer gains Rage. On cast Lifestealer becomes Magic Immune and gains +50% Move Speed and +50 Attack Speed. The effects last for 5 seconds. Maximum Mana changed from 0 to 75 Snapfire: 3 Star Effect: Ol' Scatterblast also reduces enemy armor by 5 for the duration of the debuff. Ol' Scatterblast: Debuff duration changed from to Debuff Attack Speed loss changed from to Storm Spirit: 3 Star Effect: Storm gains Overload. Casting a spell creates an electrical charge which is released in a burst on Storm's next attack, dealing 150 magical damage and slowing the target's Attack Speed by 50 for 1.5 seconds. A Triangular Attack by Storm counts as an attack, in which case all units Storm hits in the Attack take the damage and are slowed.

The Update In Which You Get An Icon And You Get An Icon And...

by NathanKell

GENERAL Added 3 Star Effect ability icons/descriptions for all heroes that currently have a 3 Star Effect. HERO CHANGES Lycan: Shapeshift: Wolves summoned changed from to Magnus: Reverse Polarity: Duration changed from 2 seconds to 1 second

Presence of the Dark Update

by NathanKell

HERO CHANGES Windranger: 3 Star Effect: At the start of charging her bow for her Powershot, Windranger gains 100% evasion and becomes magic immune. This lasts for 3 seconds. Magnus: Max Mana changed from 0 to 100 3 Star Effect: Magnus gains Reverse Polarity. On cast, enemies within 2 cells take 100 damage and are stunned for 2 seconds. Mana Cost 100, Cooldown 40. Shadow Fiend: 3 Star Effect: Shadow Fiend gains Presence of the Dark Lord. Enemies within 2 cells suffer -8 armor due to Shadow Fiend's terrifying presence.

Morphling Copied This Update For You

by NathanKell

GENERAL Fixed a bug with Mirana where she would fail during cast if rooted. Now when rooted she will still fire her arrow but will not leap. Fixed an issue where Vigilant units would have their targeting break if an enemy cast an ability while the Vigilant unit was leaping (Mirana, Templar Assassin, others if thrown into the air). Fixed a bug with Enthralled Legion Commander where Legion Commander's Champion bonus would be based on her new crew's number of active Alliances rather than her old crew. Now if her new crew does not have an active Champion alliance already she will use her old crew's number of active Alliances when computing the Champion bonus. Fixed a bug with Kaden's Blade FX where the FX would trigger on multiple units at once. (This bug was caused when the issue causing Kaden's Blade to not generate mana was fixed last Friday.) Fixed an issue with Enno's Experimental Growth (Bloodbound Warlocks) Streetfight lacking text. UNDERLORD CHANGES Hobgen: Let's Go Crazy: Will now...

A Dark and Demonic Update

by NathanKell

HERO CHANGES Doom: Attack Rate changed from 0.769 to 0.909 Armor changed from 5 to 15 Terrorblade: Terrorblade 3 Star Effect: Pure Damage Bonus Percent vs Demons changed from 100 to 125 Now an active ability: duration 5 seconds, cooldown 6 seconds. ITEM CHANGES Vladmir's Offering: Damage boost changed from 8 to 5%

Enno-ugh of That Crash

by NathanKell

Hotfixes Fix a crash involving Enno's spin and Arc Warden clone spam. Fix a crash with Kaden's Blade. Arc Warden: Clones gain 20% less mana per clone (stacks multiplicatively). Clarified Abaddon's 3 Star Effect description. The Curse (and the bonus) refresh each time Abaddon successfully lands an attack on his target, but on changing targets Abaddon must land 3 strikes to Curse the new target and receive the Attack Speed bonus again.

We Brought You An Update Which Brought You An Update Which...

by NathanKell

GENERAL Fixed an issue with Early Bird display of Board Spray rewards. Fixed an issue with Io's 3 Star Effect sometimes triggering when it shouldn't. Fixed some 3 Star Effects being purgeable when they shouldn't be. Fixed a longstanding interaction issue between Aegis and Io's Relocate which could lead to two revived copies of a Hero existing at once. Now Io will only consider selecting an Aegis-carrying Hero for Relocate if that Hero has already died its second time (i.e. been revived by Aegis and killed again). Fixed Axe's Counter-Helix killing Spiderlings even when they are invulnerable due to Broodmother's 3 Star Effect. HERO CHANGES Abaddon: 3 Star Effect: Abaddon gains the ability to apply the Curse of Avernus to enemies he attacks. Once Abaddon has attacked the same enemy unit 3 times in a row that unit becomes silenced for 2 seconds and Abaddon gains +30 Attack Speed against it. The bonus is lost if Abaddon changes targets. Arc Warden: Tempest Double: 3 Star Effect: Clones now ...

An Update That's A Little Less Heartless

by NathanKell

HERO CHANGES Arc Warden: Arc Warden clones no longer spawn Eidolons. Beastmaster: At three stars, Beastmaster takes 75% less damage from summons and is immune to their magic. Juggernaut: At three stars, Juggernaut gains Blade Dance: each attack has a 20% chance to Critical Hit for 200% Damage. Pudge: Fixed an issue with Pudge's 3 Star Effect (Flesh Heap) where magic resistance could sometimes go negative. Queen of Pain: At three stars, the Queen of Pain captivates nearby enemies, allowing her a 25% chance to evade attacks from enemies 2 cells away. ALLIANCE CHANGES Heartless: Armor Debuff changed from to