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CD Projekt RED попрощалась с Cyberpunk 2077 — разработка игры полностью завершена

by GameMAG

Разработка Cyberpunk 2077 (наш обзор) официально завершилась — CD Projekt RED выпустила для игры все планировавшиеся обновления и патчи и перевела сотрудников на другие проекты.

Cyberpunk 2077 has officially ended development - over a decade after its reveal


Finally, over 12 years since the game's official reveal back in 2012, Cyberpunk 2077 has ended development. All staff at CD Projekt Red have no stopped working on the game, moving on to work on various projects - including future Witcher and Cyberpunk games - for the foreseeable future. This news came out in the late hours of last night via the quarterly CD Projekt Red earnings call, which revealed that not a single employee had been working on the game since April 30. Following this, staff took to social media to declare their journey on Cyberpunk had concluded. This includes associate game director Pawel Sasko, who reposted the graph presenting this departure from Cyberpunk 2077 with the following statement, "That's how the team compositions looks like and the projects we are cooking. I am so excited by all this growth and cannot wait to see how it all develops." Read more

It turns out you can find Idris Elba's Cyberpunk 2077 character hanging out and working a regular job in Night City before you start the expansion

by Ted Litchfield

CD Projekt Red always brings a special attention to detail in its games: I remember my shock at learning about the Witcher 3 easter egg that takes seven in-game years to find. That same sensibility definitely holds strong in Cyberpunk 2077, where you can actually find Idris Elba's character, Solomon Reed—who was added to the game in the Phantom Liberty expansion—tucked away in Night City minding his own business before you start Phantom Liberty's main quest... Read more.

Cyberpunk 2077 достигла 95% положительных отзывов в Steam — разработчики благодарны

by Илья Корпылёв

Проблемный старт Cyberpunk 2077, сопровождавшийся многочисленными жалобами на технические проблемы, остался позади, и RPG от CD Projekt RED начала набирать обороты в плане позитивных отзывов от игроков — эта тенденция наблюдается по сей день.

'Thank you so much for the second chance chooms': Cyberpunk 2077's developers enjoy a well-earned bask as the game finally hits Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam

by Harvey Randall

h, Cyberpunk 2077—it's incredible to think that a game that launched so disastrously it prompted a class-action lawsuit is, years later, being praised as one of the best RPGs you can play right now. At least if its currently 'Overwhelmingly Positive' recent reviews on Steam are anything to go by... Read more.

It might have taken almost four years, but Cyberpunk 2077 is finally heading into "overwhelmingly positive" territory on Steam


Cyberpunk 2077 infamously had an awful launch, but some recent positive reviews have put the game in a much better position. At the time of writing, Cyberpunk 2077 is currently sitting at an "overwhelmingly positive" rating for recent reviews. For those that don't know, that means at least 95% of the most recent 7000 reviews from the last 30 days are positive, a difficult to achieve feat for most Steam games given how… well, how gamers can be sometimes, if you know what I mean. Cyberpunk is still just at "very positive" for all reviews, but there are more than 650,000 of those, so that'll probably take a while longer to fix. Unsurprisingly, this has meant a lot to CD Projekt Red's global community director Marcin Momot and associate game director Paweł Sasko. On Twitter, Momot shared a screencap of the fact that the game has hit 95% positive reviews recently, thanking players profusely for the achievement. Sasko quote tweeted Momot's post, saying "You can't imagine how much it m...

Cyberpunk 2077's quest lead says it's a story 'about terminal illness,' and playing it while staring down the barrel of one was the most intense RPG experience I've ever had

by Nova Smith

Even with its shortcomings at launch, I was always strongly affected by Cyberpunk 2077's portrayal of living on borrowed time. The denial, the bargaining, the pills you're prescribed that barely seem to do anything: it's all cut from a very real cloth, one I know well after a half year of preparing for something only marginally better than my central nervous system getting slow-cooked by a neuro-degenerative terrorist. Thankfully, my prognosis looks less grim now, but I'll never forget experiencing the two side by side... Read more.

Cyberpunk 2077 dev says they went all-out on the memorial to Johnny Silverhand's nuclear attack, then found out bosses 'just expected a commemorative plaque'

by Joshua Wolens

The bombing of Arasaka Tower in 2023 is a massive moment in Cyberpunk lore, and pretty much the key inciting event that makes the whole plot of Cyberpunk 2077 possible. No wonder, then, that the ground zero of the blast—right next to the new Arasaka Tower—is home to a sprawling memorial in stark, black blocks... Read more.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty's third deadliest boss is an OSHA-violating garage, making it 86.6% as dangerous as a giant killer robo-tank

by Harvey Randall

Cyberpunk 2077's triumphant DLC, Phantom Liberty, added some fun bosses to the game—including a giant enemy (mecha) crab robot… thing. I guess it's more of a beetle really, being a hexapod... Read more.

CD Projekt RED хочет предоставить игрокам возможность влиять на общий сюжет в продолжении Cyberpunk 2077

by Илья Корпылёв

Cyberpunk 2077 (наш обзор) хоть и считается ролевой игрой, выборы в ней не очень влияют на общий сюжет. «Призрачная свобода» несколько исправила этот элемент, и разработчики собираются пойти дальше в будущем сиквеле.

BAFTA Games Awards

by Vattier

We're proud to announce that Cyberpunk 2077 has been awarded during the 20th British Academy Game Awards: BAFTA Award for Evolving Game - for Cyberpunk 2077's development team for their excellence in ongoing developer support. {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35210272/9e82d0caa2f5faf5ba452c5cba21211106700c35.png We're deeply grateful for this choice and deeply humbled by the continuous support the game has been receiving. Thank you!

CD Projekt RED допускает выпуск небольших контентных обновлений для Cyberpunk 2077

by Rakot

Геймдиректор Cyberpunk 2077 Гэбриэл Аматанджело рассказал в интервью для канала Skill Up на YouTube, что помимо патчей с исправлениями ошибок экшен-RPG в будущем может получить несколько контентных обновлений.