Game Feed

Update 1.13.5 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added mutator configuration, users can now save/load their selections (#1459) Added new game type "Minigame", supported by mg_ map prefix Current map name and game type are now displayed on the scoreboard Experimental: Added item pickup prediction, toggled with cvar "cl_predictpickup" (when enabled, picked up items will move smoothly with lag) Changes Bayonet can now hit the character hull for more accurate shove detection Deprecated SSAO and depth of field effects due to instability, these settings are no longer saved / visible in options, while cvars "nmrih_ssao" and "nmrih_dof" can still be used Fallen arrow projectiles now expire over time In maps utilizing level transition, player inventories and status effects are no longer restored on round restart by default Reduced installation size by compressing navigation m...

Update 1.13.4 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: October 6th Hotfix: We've released a dedicated server update that fixes random spawners creating the same loot and occasional crashes with zombie attacks. This update is optional, but all community admins are encouraged to apply it. Additions Added backward compatibility to demo files, fixes previously recorded demos not playing Added support for proportional fonts in closed captions (i.e. caption text isn't small anymore on resolutions higher than 1080p) Changes Optimized zombie ability checks when near players, this improves performance on maps with a lot of attacking zombies Tweaked server networking settings to reduce latency on crowded maps Updated the localization files: With thanks to community translators: Blueberryy, Klowby, MakinDay, marcielcps, Plazehorta Want to localize NMRiH to your own language? Visit our localiza...

Update 1.13.3 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added ability to lift ammo when it doesn't fit in player's inventory Added cvar "cl_melee_impact_effects" to enable / disable melee impact particles Changes Reduced chainsaw impact effects on characters (#1414) Reduced game installation size by compressing misc. textures Removed friends requirement from the achievement "HAZMAT Team", new goal is "Kill 500 zombies with 6 or more players" Show compatibility warning when playing with Linux runtime on Steam Deck Show loading spinner while downloading user avatar Updated the localization files: With thanks to community translators: Blueberryy, BloodyMoonlight, Klowby, MakinDay, marcielcps, MsLGXC, Plazehorta Want to localize NMRiH to your own language? Visit our localization repository on GitHub. Fixes Fixed alignment when using line breaks on center print text Fixed ambien...

If You Like... Left 4 Dead


What’s this? An entirely new genre, you say? Well, arguably that’s exactly what Valve presented to the public in 2008 with the original Left 4 Dead, and its superlative sequel the following year. But was it really a new genre? Read the full article here:

Update 1.13.2 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added proportional HUD scaling support for high resolutions, this is more noticeable on 4K, ultrawide displays, etc. Added search box and "Find more..." button (that links to Workshop) in the mutator selection dialog Changes Improved server performance on Linux In mutator selection dialog, clicking the list item now toggles the checkbox Increased max. FOV to 110 Melee impact particles are now displayed across the arc Optimized zombie AI obstruction checks, improves performance on crowded maps Restored player freeze on extraction Server command "workshop_validate" now has a "-restore" option, recovers map entries from cache in case of accidental removals or data loss Supply crate no longer freezes players, checks for distance instead Updated the localization files: With thanks to community translators: Blueberryy, Klowb...

Update 1.13.1 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Changes Improved overall melee hit detection, entities close up can now be hit more reliably Melee impacts no longer draw decals or spawn debris Melee swings can now hit multiple entities at once Mutator list is now sorted by title Reduced SKS w/ bayonet extra shove delay (1.5s -> 0.5s) Reverted scoreboard "DEAD" label back to "DECEASED" Server-side Workshop error messages are now more descriptive Updated the localization files: With thanks to community translators: Blueberryy, Holy Crap, Klowby, marcielcps, Plazehorta Want to localize NMRiH to your own language? Visit our localization repository on GitHub. Fixes Fixed common Linux crash when earning an achievement Fixed death sound playing on disconnect kill Fixed disconnect kills affecting "We Got This!" achievement progress Fixed entity "ambient_fmod" playing all active sound...

NMRiH Hell-o-ween Hellapalooza (Update 1.13 Released)

by Felis

{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4458555/2709c86b52ba089c3dad345fccba0133190b8373.png An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: New Maps Asylum (by DrHammer) {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4458555/538e4ea189370be93f7ecb75b6c44232bcd8e22d.png Monsters, Music and More. What better way to spend the holiday than traipsing about an old asylum? Grab your friends and party hard on the latest objective map Asylum. What horrors lay in store for you in the wreckage of Grimwood’s Hell-o-ween Hellapalooza festival? Only one way to find out. So don your costumes, stuff your face full of candy, and study up on your occult rituals, because it’s going to be one hell of a good time! Laundry (by Atheist, original map by Payne, Sotapoika) {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4458555/06001879bde56347d26f4b6892da69c42bba8552.png What's that? All that candy melted and stained your new costume, and it's dry clean only!? Well, then you ...

Update 1.12.3 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added ability to drop all selected ammo by right clicking in the radial wheel (#1280) Added barricade board sounds for damaging and breaking Added client option "FOV can be altered by gameplay" Added hints to loading screen Added initial draw animation to 1911, Glock 17, and M92FS Added new viewmodel animations to frag grenade and Deer Hunter bow Contributed by Silent Added new viewmodel hands that match the current player model Models and animations contributed by Mage6614 and Silent Added option for random character voice set (#1263) Added server command "extendmap" for admins, temporarily extends map time limit, in minutes Added validation to challenge mode results: Actions such as toggling cheats, changing gameplay cvars, running custom maphacks / scripts etc. will now invalidate runs Can be enabled with cvar "sv_c...

NMRiH2 - May Screenshots

by |NMRiH Dev| Maxx

Hey everyone! Thanks for popping by, sorry I haven't posted in a bit we've been so busy! I'm gonna make this quick: The game is on schedule, going well, and new content keeps coming in! still a lot to do, there are plenty of bugs to fix, but we're excited to show off a new trailer, likely post it next month! Here are some screenshots from today's team playtest on Night of the Living Dead and Broadway 3 where we assess bugs and try and wreck shit lol Thanks for your continued support it means the world to us. Join us on our Discord and if you have any questions you can pop in our nmrih2 discussion chat, or feel free to hit me up! Much love, Maxx

Update 1.12.2 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Code Additions Added cvar "inv_ammoweight", sets ammo weight per box and is supported by rulesets (#1258) Additions for mappers and modders Added entity "logic_script_proxy", a bridge between VScript and server plugins Added auto-complete to command "ent_create" Added command "ent_info_datatable", dumps entity datatable to console Added input HideProgress to entity "logic_progress" Added server-side "achievement_earned" event Entity "logic_progress" now allows StartProgress input while active VScript Added CItem_AmmoBox bindings Added CNMRiH_BaseZombie bindings Added RulesetManager singleton, with ApplyCvars() function Added functions ReadMapKeyValues() & WriteMapKeyValues(), substitutes for unsafe KV file I/O with interface that supports only one file per map Added MAX_PLAYERS constant VScript updates from Mapbase Added AI rela...

Update 1.12.1 Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added cvar "sv_ng_zombie_loot", controls whether or not NG zombies can drop loot Added support for randomized objective chains in challenge mode Ruleset: Added "rs_cvar" command, applies a cvar in ruleset context Workshop: Added command "workshop_list", prints a list of installed Workshop maps to console (dedicated server only) Changes Don't play pills tune in challenge mode Updated the localization files Fixes Fixed "Changes to DispatchSpawn() breaks server plugins" (#1246) Fixed "Downloading map from workshop screen goes away" (#1220) Fixed Gene Therapy not ending the pills tune while infected Fixed "lisa" and "tammy" zombie models having zeroed out bounding box (#1226) Fixed "Max. players setting on Create Game dialog is unrestricted" (#1248) Fixed missing physics meshes on zombie models (#973) Fixed "Player stuck w...

No More Room in Hell 2 Release Date (no really)

by |NMRiH Dev| Maxx

No More Room in Hell 2 will be available on Steam Early Access and EGS, October 31 2022! Our plan is to launch the game next Halloween in Early Access as a Beta. That means it will launch with some limited content but what we do launch with we plan to have decently polished and a good quality experience. We plan on being in Beta/Early Access for one year and with your support from buying the game we will be able to afford to hire more staff to work on the game full-time (we only have 2 full-time staff at the moment!) and it will enable us to continue to develop the game, flesh out the mechanics more, add new features and extra content like tons of new weapons, maps, and new game modes! We are a small team and we have a lot to do still but we know that you are a dedicated, supporting and understanding community and we hope that you will be with us on this journey to delivering the best possible co-op zombie game. As always you can join us on our Discord Channel and hit me up if you have...

NMRiH Anniversary Update (1.12) Released

by Felis

An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: New Maps: Anxiety (by Porkchops4lunch) {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4458555/4fc76112f1b94e6ecad55d827b36fc49cbc525ed.jpg The rails can take us no further. There seems to be a train crash up ahead, but at least we managed to escape the dead labs. With that being said, the news isn't all bad. The map shows another train tunnel that leads straight to St. Sebastian hospital - army mentioned this location over the radio several times - something about evacuation plans. There must be some maintenance tunnels connecting the different subway routes. Just hope there's someone left up there to help us... Rockpit (by Sirdoggy) {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4458555/e036c411062c3e681141ef2a0bb4b15ff9b75413.jpg All hell broke loose in the facility. Many of us thought that seeking shelter in the tunnels was a good idea... After some time, we're already low on supp...

10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! 1.12 Halloween Update + News!

by |NMRiH Dev| Maxx

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! We hope that you're all having a blast this sp00ktacular day! In celebration of all things horrifying on this special TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of No More Room in Hell, we present to you a video celebrating this milestone and our NEW 1.12 update featuring THREE new maps: Rockpit, Anxiety, and Drugstore plus a super major overhaul to Boardwalk. We also end the video with a tab bit of other fun news!

Update 1.11.5 Released

by essbuh

Update 8/31: A small patch has been released addressing a few server-side issues. Server operators are recommended to update their servers. Original Post: An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: Additions Added breathing sounds to Pugman's voice set Added cvar "cl_skip_joingame_dialog", automatically joins the game after entering the welcome screen Added localization support for survival HUD Added map thumbnails and game type information to server browser's simplified view Added option to disable screenspace shadow (vignette effect) Added "players only" mode to death notices (sv_deathnotice 2) Added tooltips to options in create game dialog Extracted players are now displayed on the scoreboard (as "EXTRACTED") Radial wheel colors can now be customized (w/ cvars starting with "cl_radial") Additions for mappers and modders Added ability to set custom supply crate conten...