Game Feed

ASYLUM: New gameplay video and livestream!

by AgustinCordes

Hi all! 👋 This is a brief update to show you our new gameplay video. A collection of greatly improved, familiar locations and new ones, focusing on interactions and things to do — including speaking with the mysterious denizens of the asylum! Take a look: The game is working remarkably well. In fact, any stuttering you may notice in the video was our recording software behaving erratically 🙄 But, what you see here is 100% in-game stuff, no processing, no tricks. Asylum is running with a stable 60fps in fullscreen High quality on a 3-year old computer. It's even perfectly playable on Very High quality with extra sharp graphics! So this is how the game looks and feels, and we hope you like it 😊 Just a tiny glimpse of many more locations you'll have to explore! LIVESTREAM (CONFIRMED) I'm really sorry about this one. I should've posted more updates here. The promised livestream was postponed due to an incredibly nasty acute bronchitis I got a few weeks ago. It ...

Why is ASYLUM taking so long (and also news about Serena!)

by AgustinCordes Hello there, fans of Serena! We hope you've been enjoying the ASYLUM updates, our huge upcoming adventure that will surely satisfy your craving for more mysteries and horrors. As we describe in our latest post, we tell you why the project has been taking so long, but we also tell you when we expect it to be ready: (spoiler: things are finally looking pretty good!) As for Serena, we're aware the game is dated and several bugs have surfaced. We honestly never expected to have such a huge audience (well over 2.000.000 downloads now!) and admit we should dedicate it some time, even as a free game. We are planning to do so — among features such as Steam achievements and new easter eggs, we have several fan translations lined up to be implemented. Currently our priority remains ASYLUM, which we...

ASYLUM: Shocking News and Horrific Sights!

by AgustinCordes Greetings, esteemed Steam community! We hope you're off to a terrific 2019! As promised, we come bearing a series of exciting news from the sinister corridors of ASYLUM (and of course eye candy, because we know you love it). Here we go! STATUS UPDATE... AND POSSIBLE RELEASE! Things are progressing speedy and smoothly, so we feel comfortable to disclose our plans. To recap, since December hundreds of Kickstarter backers have been playing a good chunk of the game with overwhelmingly positive reactions. We can confirm ASYLUM is performing great and no major issues have shown their ugly face. Even better, we seem to have hit a stride, meeting milestone after milestone: we're wrapping up an even larger segment of the game now, and expecting to hit beta around May. A beta in May means our goal to release the game later this year is doable. We're not officially confirming th...

ASYLUM: Big Milestone Achieved!

by AgustinCordes Phew, following a couple of very intensive weeks, we're happy to announce that we have a playable and fully featured demo of ASYLUM working great with top-notch performance and minimal loading times! It's a huge milestone after all this time! This is an internal demo that we're sharing with Kickstarter backers, and so far initial reactions have been hugely positive: players are in love with the atmosphere and agree that, even after this short glimpse, "what we can expect was worth the wait" and they are "very excited to delve deeper into the dark, decaying corners of ASYLUM!". Did we say short? Yes, it's only a fraction of the final game, yet backers reported playing 60 minutes, as much as 90! This means our estimation of 10-12 hours for the final game is either spot on or quite conservative. Fans will also be happy to hear that performance is solid even on older comp...

ASYLUM: Potpourri of News and Goodies!

by AgustinCordes Salutations to our wonderful Steam community! It’s been an exceptionally busy month for ASYLUM and it’s not over yet. Things are progressing fast and we’re happy to report that we’re just about to wrap up a big playable chunk of the game — in near final form, truly polished and ready for public consumption. Exciting times ahead, and the momentum on Steam keeps getting better! We’re now nearing 14.000 wishlists, mere days after we reached 10.000. Wow, just wow! EVERY DETAIL COUNTS Most work on the project now amounts to adding interactive stuff and implementing the remaining puzzles. It’s taking time, though, because we’re going out of our way to add as many details as possible. We plan to reward your observation as you unlock the mysteries concealed by the dreadful Hanwell Mental Institute. For instance, we created a full maintenance schedule for our janitor, complete...

ASYLUM: News, videos and milestones!

by AgustinCordes Greetings, dear followers! We trust you're enjoying your weekend. There was a huge deal of positive reactions to our latest progress update —especially that glimpse of our dialogue system— so we decided to share more: That's right, this is exactly what happens when you enter the foreboding Hanwell Mental Institute! It's finally possible to complete a first big chunk of the game, conversations included, which is a big milestone for us. While we haven't recorded voice overs yet, this should give you a good idea of what it feels like interacting with denizens of the asylum. And since we're here, let us show you a glimpse from one of the most menacing rooms in the game: This screams ATMOSPHERE, right? You'll be screaming too, trust us. We hope you like it, because we're doing this game with much love. And speaking ...

ASYLUM: Progress update!

by AgustinCordes Things are looking up with the development of our colossal horror adventure! We’re happy to report ASYLUM is nearly feature complete and we did a little video to show you: "Feature complete" is a crucial milestone meaning all the systems intervening in the game (exploration, inventory, dialogues, menu, etc.) are ready. A quick lowdown of the stuff we did and improved since our latest gameplay video include: Revised cursors and hotspots. The hands are smaller and detecting spots is now ultra smooth and sexy. No more annoying red outline (we listened to you). Incredibly awesome menu system and very die... diaie... diegait... DIEGETIC. Wait till you see how our achievements work — completing them will be super fun for Steam users! We’re finally able to have a proper conversation with the denizens of the asylum. And it looks good! And feels go...

Join Senscape on Discord and win a FREE Scratches key!

by AgustinCordes JOIN US TODAY: Featuring the official Asylum Dev Journal and our charming Warden bot! It's the friendliest Discord community around! There’s a few more surprises coming up, including (wait for it) your chance to get FREE Scratches Steam keys. Yes, you read that right. And it's super easy. How to join, you say? Easy peasy, just go here: And boom! You’re in. Have a look, stick around, and get ready for the massive Asylum goodness we’re about to unleash. See you there!

ASYLUM Steam page and community now live!

by AgustinCordes Heads up, fans of Serena! Our epic supernatural horror adventure has found a new home on Steam. ASYLUM is an intricate, chilling, and thought-provoking game inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Hammer Films and twisted Euro Horror from the 80’s: We encourage you to put it on your Steam wishlist! If you loved the psychological horror featured in Scratches and Serena, you will love ASYLUM. See you there! Oh, and don't forget to watch our latest gruesome trailer:

ASYLUM Steam page and community now live!

by AgustinCordes Heads up, fans of Serena! Our epic supernatural horror adventure has found a new home on Steam. ASYLUM is an intricate, chilling, and thought-provoking game inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Hammer Films and twisted Euro Horror from the 80’s: We encourage you to put it on your Steam wishlist! If you loved the psychological horror featured in Scratches and Serena, you will love ASYLUM. See you there! Oh, and don't forget to watch our latest gruesome trailer:

Announcing H. P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

by AgustinCordes Now live on Kickstarter: Brothers and Sisters in Almousin-Metraton:— I this day heard that Senscape got the license for H. P. L. This is a firste in that accurs’d video game industrie; for Players shall be able to delve into Spheres beyond of the sort that Abdool Al-Hazred describ’d in his VII. Booke of ye Necronomicon. I am fearfull, as these Things are Dangerous. I also hear there’s one of those newfangl’d Kickstart’rs involv’d, and Senscape is promis’g the most faithful H. P. L. game ever — crucially a Third-Person Adventure (whatever that meanes) that will throwe Players back to a Golden Age of gaming. They say renowned scholar and H. P. L. authority S. T. Joshi is assist’g the project, and a rigorous documentary about the making of the game and H. P. L.’s life in Prouidence shall be produced too. It is welle knowne that The Case of Charles Dexter Ward is the only novel H. P. L. wrote, and one of His more popular. The booke tells...

Announcing H. P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

by AgustinCordes Now live on Kickstarter: Brothers and Sisters in Almousin-Metraton:— I this day heard that Senscape got the license for H. P. L. This is a firste in that accurs’d video game industrie; for Players shall be able to delve into Spheres beyond of the sort that Abdool Al-Hazred describ’d in his VII. Booke of ye Necronomicon. I am fearfull, as these Things are Dangerous. I also hear there’s one of those newfangl’d Kickstart’rs involv’d, and Senscape is promis’g the most faithful H. P. L. game ever — crucially a Third-Person Adventure (whatever that meanes) that will throwe Players back to a Golden Age of gaming. They say renowned scholar and H. P. L. authority S. T. Joshi is assist’g the project, and a rigorous documentary about the making of the game and H. P. L.’s life in Prouidence shall be produced too. It is welle knowne that The Case of Charles Dexter Ward is the only novel H. P. L. wrote, and one of His more popular. The booke tells...

Now Available on Steam - Serena

by Valve

Serena is Now Available on Steam, and is completely free. How long has it been? A man sits in a distant getaway cabin waiting for his wife Serena. Where is she? Things in the cabin evoke memories, and the husband comes to a disturbing realization... This short point-and-click adventure is the result of a massive collaborative effort between dozens of fans and designers of adventure games. Rallying to support the venerable genre and its passionate community, these developers have brought together a grim and highly detailed horror story in what is the largest, possibly even the first, game project of its kind. Talents include crew from renowned indie companies Senscape, CBE Software, Infamous Quests, Digital Media Workshop, Guys from Andromeda, and many more.