Game Feed

Paladins Chronicles: Burrowed Within

by EvilMojoKryptek

This is the first entry of Paladins Chronicles released on Steam, continuing the current ongoing Series 2 that can be found either on the website archive or on our Wiki. This entry is a direct continuation of He Who Persists and Shattered Goddess, Restored Faith for those who wish to be caught up. Without futher ado... Burrowed Within As the portal snaps shut behind them, Azaan takes a moment to breathe in the familiar air of the Realm. His contemplation is interrupted by Moji’s waving finger. “Now, before you go running off…” Moji states sternly as Po-Li seems to shake their heads signaling no. “I sense the Abyss. What abomination is released here?” Azaan ignores the Leipori’s call for patience as he launches himself into the air. However, he begins to quickly fall and barely catches himself as he lands. Moji pulls Po-Li out of the way and sighs deeply. “When Nyx emerged from the Abyss and took your silly star station, she redecorated it to weaken you. You’ll barely be able to handle ...

Feudal Fables Update Notes

by EvilMojoKryptek

Champion Rework: Moji {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398/07d5b6caec7b92775c34f9ffcad8bb0ca8c7d8e3.jpg Lore While the rest of her kind have fled into the Burrows under the Enchanted Forest to avoid the war raging across the Realm, Moji took it upon herself to use her Leipori magic to fight for the world’s chance to recover. However, after Yagorath threatened the heart of her home, Moji realized she couldn’t wait for the healing process when her friends were in danger. Channeling all her energy into this new purpose, she returned to battle to support those in need. Riding atop her trusty familiar, Po-Li, she unleashes a befuddling mix of brilliant healing on her friends and a glimmering maelstrom on everyone else. Role: Support Health : 2400 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398/444e83e3b0f308422fbfd349a95345e7953b1b77.png Weapon: Spit Po spits out a magical projectile, dealing 450 damage every 0.7s that explodes in an 8-unit area on impact with an enemy. Fully effective up to 300 units, and the explosio...

This Week in the Realm | May 21st, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Balance Changes from PTS Now that we've taken some time to address the Moji adjustments made prior to tomorrow's release, we want to also share some of the highlights of the additional changes made to the Support balance based on player feedback and reactions during the PTS weekend: Corvus Reverted nerf to Abyssal Reconstruction Many players feel Corvus' healing is far from the most contributing factor to his niche yet potent strength, so we've opted to not disturb this aspect of him and instead look to more focused changes in the future. Furia Reverted nerf to Kindle Soul Reduced damage buff to Wings of Wrath from 300 ➡️ 250 Similarly, Furia is in a weaker spot than last time we reduced her healing and while we have concerns over her potency, feedback guided us to let her maintain current Kindle Soul values. In conjunction, we're being a bit less bold on the buff to Wings of Wrath. Grover Decreased healing buff on Ramp...

This Week in the Realm | May 16th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: A Closer Look at Moji's Rework History Moji has always been a design with a lot to love and a lot that conflicted with her purpose as a Flank. Moji players enjoy the feeling of a perfect Mark burst on a fleeing target, the rush of hitting a Barrier and reversing a deadly dive into outward damage, the ability to leap around after Scamper and blast their foes. Those tools that made her so enjoyable are also intrinsically linked with how unhealthy many others view her for the game. The burst's frustrations, the lack of conveyance and counterplay, and the outstanding difficulties of her hitbox for most newcomers as well as foes made her require constant tuning, and eventually her balance was left in an underwhelming state to avoid wide player frustration. We discussed Moji balance internally ever since 2021, but those chats always turned back towards her design and how it needed to change in order to allow her to be more vi...

Feudal Fables PTS Notes

by EvilMojoKryptek

Champion Rework: Moji {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398/07d5b6caec7b92775c34f9ffcad8bb0ca8c7d8e3.jpg Lore While the rest of her kind have fled into the Burrows under the Enchanted Forest to avoid the war raging across the Realm, Moji took it upon herself to use her Leipori magic to fight for the world’s chance to recover. However, after Yagorath threatened the heart of her home, Moji realized she couldn’t wait for the healing process when her friends were in danger. Channeling all her energy into this new purpose, she returned to battle to support those in need. Riding atop her trusty familiar, Po-Li, she unleashes a befuddling mix of brilliant healing on her friends and a glimmering maelstrom on everyone else. Role: Support Health : 2400 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398/444e83e3b0f308422fbfd349a95345e7953b1b77.png Weapon: Spit Po spits out a magical projectile, dealing 500 damage every 0.85s that explodes in an 8-unit area on impact with an enemy. Fully effective up to 300 units, and the explosi...

This Week in the Realm | May 7th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Tales from Other Realms Yesterday, we announced Feudal Fables, our next theme headed to the Realm alongside other a rework to Moji as well as Support changes. We'll have more officially revealed later this week but until then we'd like to share a bit more surrounding the theming of this update. Folklore and fairytales have inspired countless iterations and adaptations throughout media, and the team wanted to create a unique vision that twists and turns familiar tales into new looks for our Champions. For Moji, that meant combining the story of Red Riding Hood with that of various incarnations of wolves in Japanese folklore. Furia, meanwhile, becomes the guardian of shrines and gateways between planes, a fitting tale both from Shinto inspiration to our own Realm and its lands. These skins and their recolors coalesce into our newest Event Pass theme, one that feels fresh for Paladins and brings different visions of these ...

This Week in the Realm | April 30th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Welcoming More to the Realm It's that time once again, as an update approaches over the horizon where we chat about various smaller features coming that may not get as much attention during the full reveal. This week, we wanted to chat about some quality of life and player onboarding improvements we've been working on! Starting in the May Update, all players will see a new questline entitled "Welcome to Paladins" appear in their Activities tab. This questline will guide new players through their early Training matches, reaching open queue, creating a loadout, and then finally encourage them to unlock Ranked at level 20. That's right, as a part of this change Ranked's level requirement will raise from level 15 to 20. That may not sound impactful, but this raises the amount of XP needed by another 75% of the current requirement. Along this questline, new players will unlock some Gold to spend and Champion Unlock Tokens to...

This Week in the Realm | April 23rd, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Where The Players Are It's now been almost 10 months since we brought This Week in the Realm back as a Steam blog post, and over that time we've been watching how many players engage with it and comparing it to how we've communicated information before. On average, over 30,000 players read these weekly blogs, which makes it by far the most viewed space for Paladins updates. Beyond our socials, beyond the website, beyond even some YouTube trailers. We really appreciate everyone who takes time to catch up on the smaller developments we share here & want to get that information in front of more players' eyes, which brings us to some news. The Paladins website has long suffered from issues in key moments of communication, as well as required significant upkeep from us despite less users than any other platform we utilize. Simply put: a dedicated website for news doesn't make sense anymore with how players are actually consu...

End Times Prime

by EvilMojoKryptek

End Times PrimeTear in reality appear once more as End Times returns in a Prime variation! As Atlas departed our timeline, ruptures were sent across the Realm. Vora went searching and discovered temporal Rifts opening in familiar locales, with Atlas's voice guiding how to once again mend the seams of existence. Join in the battle to ensure your chance to see the future! Game RulesEnd Times is an Event mode that predated King of the Hill, as such it shares a lot of similar rules. To shake things up, we've made adjustments to the mode that should make it more objective focused while remaining fast paced. The first team to reach 250 tickets, or the team with the most tickets after 12 minutes, wins. Killing a player scores the team 2 tickets. Controlling the Capture Point earns 1 ticket per second. The Tear relocates every 90 seconds to a different spot on the map. Every time the capture point relocates, both teams receive a random effect: Warp Speed: Movement Speed Buff Quick Cast: Abilit...

April 2024 Hotfix Notes

by EvilMojoKryptek

End Times PrimeTear in reality appear once more as End Times returns in a Prime variation! As Atlas departed our timeline, ruptures were sent across the Realm. Vora went searching and discovered temporal Rifts opening in familiar locales, with Atlas's voice guiding how to once again mend the seams of existence. Join in the battle to ensure your chance to see the future! Game RulesEnd Times is an Event mode that predated King of the Hill, as such it shares a lot of similar rules. To shake things up, we've made adjustments to the mode that should make it more objective focused while remaining fast paced. The first team to reach 250 tickets, or the team with the most tickets after 12 minutes, wins. Killing a player scores the team 2 tickets. Controlling the Capture Point earns 1 ticket per second. The Tear relocates every 90 seconds to a different spot on the map. Every time the capture point relocates, both teams receive a random effect: Warp Speed: Movement Speed Buff Quick Cast: Abilit...

This Week in the Realm | April 16th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: End Times Prime Tears in reality appear once more as End Times returns in a Prime variation starting tomorrow, April 17th! Bringing back this precursor to King of the Hill was a blast & the team wanted to expand on the mode as we've got a collection of maps built for it. In tomorrow's version, there are some scoring changes as well as the addition of all of the KotH maps to End Times pool. Enjoy closing rifts as Atlas guides you through the reality warping powers you will wield as End Times Prime is featured for the next week before it returns to the vaults for a bit. We've enjoyed having modes come back & stay tuned in the future for more ways to play these classic Events! Check back tomorrow for the full hotfix notes! Stricter Times Call For Stricter Measures Our Support team has recently been aggressively investigating a wide variety of behaviors, from toxicity to cheating and other Terms of Service concerns. We take...

This Week in the Realm | April 9th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Flashback Feels The Flashback Beat Botz Event Pass was an experiment we very publicly commented on, so we felt it equally important we share some context as to the results. Simply put: the Flashback pass seems popular! We were unsure how many would scoop it up for its value versus its contents, but many new or returning players have picked it up for the former while veteran can earn some sweet Crystal incentives. We plan to explore the Flashback concept more in the future as a way to offer some old themes new life and help us balance awesome new Event Passes without impacting quality. That doesn't mean these types of passes will always be the same, we may throw some new in with the old or explore themes players may not expect. That said, we're really excited for a future that also mixes the past in occasionally. As for Event Passes themselves, we're still tracking and listening to feedback on progression, the chests, an...

This Week in the Realm | March 27th, 2024

by EvilMojoKryptek

Greetings Champions! Here's what happening in the Realm this week: Delays and Disables Now that we're on the other side of releasing the update after both some extensive delays and day one disables, let's chat about how we got here and what we're doing moving forward. The initial delay of the update was due to an out-of-date aspect of our connection to one of our partner platform's systems that allow us to certify builds quickly for release. This is an important aspect of our release pipeline as it's what allows us to make changes and improvements after PTS right up till before release. This problem took about a day to solve as we rebuilt the game to update this connection. While that issue occurred on one platform, we were testing all others to ensure everything was in order. In our playtests, we discovered an issue where another platform was failing to properly enter lobbies & freezing at load in. This issue is what prompted the longer, second delay during which we had programmers di...

New in Paladins - Banners Fall Update

by EvilMojoKryptek

{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398/e9bae43add44d59314f9b735424f63355969f22f.png The Banners Fall Update is here, and along with it comes Ranked Season 7, Capture the Flag as an LTM Realm, and a Flashback Event Pass allows players to revisit some old favorites! Ranked Season 7 For this year’s Ranked skin, we wanted to pay homage to our legacy by returning to one of our older Champions as well as our roots as a game. Ultimatium Fernando hearkens from another Realm, one where combat is forged in a Battleground of Gods. Veteran Paladins players will know God of War Fernando well, who was based on the original Ares model in SMITE. This skin is instead based on Ares’ updated looks and uses his voice as he fights new battles in this unfamiliar land. We also made his effects and his weapon to truly feel like a new god has joined the likes of Jenos and Io. We hope players enjoy him alongside aim assist and MM changes made specifically to benefit our competitive environment! {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26305398...

Weekend LTM: Classic Maps & Double Event Pass XP

by EvilMojoKryptek

To celebrate our upcoming addition of these maps to Customs, play Siege on 3 earlier versions of beloved maps. Stone Keep, Timber Mill, and Warder's Gate all return in their classic iterations for players to enjoy while also earning twice as much Event Pass XP all weekend long!