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Helldivers 2 Meridia Major Order sees players overwhelmed by bug hordes spawning right on top of objectives


Helldivers 2 latest Major Order is a simple one in theory - destroy the Terminid Supercolony on Meridia, using that experimetal Dark Fluid that may or may not end up attracting the attention of the Illuminate. However, in practice, thing are proving a lot tougher than that, thanks to some bug spawning issues that Arrowhead thankfully looks to already be aware of. While a fix for this stuff seems like it'll drop relatively soon, it's sad to see the game's community riled up again so soon, given the recent changes from the studio behind it that've seemed to recapture a bit of the player trust that'd been wavering thanks to some controversial patches and the whole PSN linking thing. So, what's happening to folks who dropping onto Meridia to try and aid in the destruction of that bug nest? Well, they're encountering enough bugs to make their task incredibly difficult - with a number arguing things go past the point of it just being a skill issue or something done on purpose. Read more

Why are people angry about God of War Ragnarok requiring a PSN account on PC?


In case you missed yesterday's PlayStation State of Play, one of the big announcements was God of War Ragnarok's PC port, which is set to arrive on September 19. So, here's a thing people had been anticipating for a while. It'll come, as these kinds of PC ports often do, with all of the DLC for the game and some extra performance options. Though, it'll require PC players to create a PSN account to pair with their Steam one - and here's why that's annoyed a lot of folks. First of all, the fact that Ragnarok on PC will require a PlayStation Network account has been confirmed via the blog post about the game's PC announcement, reinforcing what a statement flicked up during the State of Play broadcast itself seemed to suggest. The Steam page for it, meanwhile, features a prominently displayed text box that reads: "PlayStation Network Account required, subject to the PlayStation Terms of Services and User Agreement." Read more

New Helldivers 2 CEO responds to calls for more stat "transparency" by reminding folks "it's not Arma at the end of the day"


The new CEO at Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead has wasted no time introducing himself to the game's community - heading over to Reddit to drop a bit of an essay. Naturally, some players have fairly taken this as an oppportunity to ask for his input on some of the current hot topics surrounding the game - one of these being the matter of transparency when it comes to the hard numbers behind gear. If you missed it, Arrowhead's recently been busy faciliating a CEO switch from Johan Pilestedt to Shams Jorjani, with the aim of letting the former focus more heavily on helping develop Helldivers 2. And, as players wait to see whether the latest developments in the Galactic War are - as is being speculated - paving the way for the Illuminate to finally arrive, Jorjani's decided to say hello to them. In a pretty lengthy post on the Helldivers subreddit, Jorjani provided a lot of background on himself and his friendship with Pilestedt and emphasised that "the ship will stay on the same course, ...

Создатель Helldivers 2: Продавать игры за $70 и потом вытягивать из покупателей последние деньги за скины — неправильно

by Семен Страндов

Успех современных сервисных игр сильно зависит от предлагаемой ими системы монетизации. Таким выводом с посетителями конференции разработчиков Nordic Game поделился руководитель компании Arrowhead Game Studios Йохан Пилестедт.

New Helldivers 2 CEO encourages community to remain "civil"


The new CEO of Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead, Shams Jorjani, has penned an open letter about the future of the game, while outlining what former studio head Johan Pilestedt's new role will look like going forward. The team will keep working closely with Sony, adding new content to the game, and continue the open dialogue with the entire playerbase, according to Jorjani's statement. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Helldivers 2 to put a stop to its most frustrating griefing method Helldivers 2 boss explains why 500kg bombs keep killing you Helldivers 2 mods explained

Helldivers 2 Major Order sparks more Illuminate speculation, may lead to a planet being spaghettified by a black hole


Ok, so Helldivers 2 got a fresh Major Order yesterday, and it looks like it could well kick off the chain of events that leads to the Illuminate finally showing up in game, following plenty of speculation. Or, at least that's what a lot of players think could happen if they manage to let Super Earth's scientists unleash some Dark Fluid on Meridia. Yeah, it would seem that, following the arrival of the dual-autocannon EXO-49 Emancipator exosuit as a reward for the game's community successfully completing its previous mission directive from Arrowhead, things aren't about to get any less exciting any time soon. Even if none of the interesting stratagem pitches former CEO Johan Pilestedt was soliciting the other day happen to become a reality in the next little bit. So, what is this latest Major Order? Well, it's about securing three planets - Fenrir 3, Angel's Venture, and Turing - clearing a path so that Super Earth scientists can target the Terminind supercolony on Meridia with some wea...

Инсайдер: Следующий Xbox сделает сильный уклон в сторону Windows

by Дмитрий Чистяков

Xbox следующего поколения предложит несколько значимых изменений по сравнению со своими предшественниками.

Helldivers 2 to put a stop to its most frustrating griefing method


Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead says it is looking into ways to mitigate lobby hosts unfairly kicking you mid-game. With the host having all the power, you can easily lose loads of progress and rewards that aren't given out until you extract if the lobby owner decides to kick you early for whatever reason. Here's hoping we'll soon see this problem creep up less and less, then. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Helldivers 2 boss explains why 500kg bombs keep killing you Helldivers 2 mods explained Helldivers 2 stratagems codes and tier list

Getting sick of getting kicked out of a Helldivers 2 session right before a mission ends? Arrowhead is "working on a solution"


Helldivers 2 still has a problem with players getting kicked out of missions by griefers, but Arrowhead has at least promised a solution is on the way. In this day and age, it's pretty necessary to allow lobby leaders in games to kick players out of a squad if they're causing trouble. After all, if someone is just taking the mick, harassing other players, or anything similar, it can really ruin the experience of playing. It could especially cause problems in a game like Helldivers 2 which features friendly fire - just imagine if players could come in and kill other players without consequences. But, Helldivers 2 actually has a different problem that comes from the ability to kick other players out - one that sees lobby leaders kicking others out right before a mission ends so they can't benefit from the results. Right now, there's no solution to this problem, but as spotted by, over in the official Helldivers 2 Discord, a spark of hope has at least been offered. After one member...

Helldivers 2 boss explains why 500kg bombs keep killing you


When it comes to bang for your buck, the 500kg bomb is the best Helldivers 2 stratagem. Precise. Big explosion. Fast call in time. If you get it in just the right spot, the Eagle stratagem is absolutely devastating. It doesn't have the widest radius, but that just means you can bask in the glow of bug guts to your heart's content. So why is it sometimes tricky? Well, the boss behind Helldivers 2 has now explained it, but I still have questions. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Helldivers 2 to put a stop to its most frustrating griefing method Helldivers 2 mods explained Helldivers 2 stratagems codes and tier list

Helldivers 2 players are on the way to earning a new mech, with a cool jet or bomb-based stratagem possibly to follow


If you've been a bit frustrated with the state of Helldivers 2 and are looking for reasons to jump back into the Galactic War - well, Arrowhead's here to provide 'em. The latest Major Order will reward a new mech if completed, and the studio's been taking community pitches for a new stratagem. In case you missed it, Arrowhead's Johan Pilestedt recently stepped aside as CEO, in order to focus more heavily on helping oversee Helldivers 2's development. While the wider effects of this will likely take a little while to come to fruition, that hasn't stopped the developer from getting off to a quick start - he's already asked the community for some stratagem ideas they'd like to see become a thing. Before we get to that, though let's start with this latest Major Order. The task is to liberate one planet - Varylia 5 - something players have already gotten around 30% of the way through as of writing. The reward would be "the dual-autocannon EXO-49 Emancipator exosuit", a mech that'll be possi...

Helldivers 2 mods explained


What are the best Helldivers 2 mods? After months of silence, it looks like our dreams of Helldivers 2 mods might actually come true. It was originally thought by fans that Helldivers 2 couldn't be modded at all due to Sony's strict anti-cheat measures, but this may not be the case after all. When it comes to mods, there's always the slight possibility that you could be banned for tampering with game files. This isn't exclusive to Helldivers 2, practically every multiplayer game follows similar rules to this, but some developers are more lax than others. Here's what you need to know about the state of Helldivers 2 mods, including what you can use now and why there aren't more mods available. Read the rest of the story... RELATED LINKS: Helldivers 2 stratagems codes and tier list Beloved Helldivers 2 CEO steps down to focus on making the game Helldivers 2 may sacrifice more patches for better quality updates

Helldivers 2 boss wastes no time outlining plans to improve game, starting with need to get more devs playing


In case you missed it, Arrowhead's Johan Pilestedt stepped aside as CEO of the studio yesterday, in order to focus more heavily on helping to develop Helldivers 2 from a creative perspective. He looks to be wasting no time in starting to tackle the game's percieved issues either, having already outlined some thoughts and plans to folks on Twitter. Now serving solely as a chief creative officer and chairman at Arrowhead, having forked over a lot of the his business resposiblities to new CEO Shams Jorjani, it's not too surprising to see Pilestedt immediately engaging with the game's community in a pretty open manner. Even if odds are it'll probably take a little while for the changes some players are hoping for to actually start arriving in game. In responses to a bunch of players commenting on his tweet about the role switch, Pilestedt's said a whole bunch about the current state of Helldivers 2 and what steps he and the studio'll be taking to try and remedy them. Read more

Желания продаваться нет: Разработчики Helldivers 2 хотят сохранить независимость и стать новой FromSoftware

by GameMAG

После взрывного старта Helldivers 2 многие эксперты ожидали, что Sony поспешит купить Arrowhead Game Studios, однако разработчики нашумевшего шутера явно не заинтересованы в таком развитии событий.