Game Feed

December 12, 2023 Update

by benb

Fixes for joining games through invites and Steam friends list. Miscellaneous UI fixes for Dedicated Servers. Fixed an occasional crash when opening the scoreboard. Fixed camera movement after death in multiplayer. Fixed crash when creating a server if the server creator's Steam name was entirely non-ASCII characters.

December 1, 2023 Update

by benb

Fixed crash when modifying certain video settings in a multiplayer match. Fixed server browser issues after modifying video settings. Fixed local player not showing up in player count on a listen server using Steam Networking. Fixed rare corrupted lighting rendering bug in some maps. Fixed miscellaneous fog rendering bugs. Fixed pushable entity physics in Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.

November 29, 2023 Update

by benb

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes have been updated to support the Half-Life 25th Anniversary engine updates, including all related fixes from Counter-Strike. Fixed lighting rendering issues on some AMD GPUs. Added "Use shaders" checkbox for the video options. Servers can over-ride this setting with sv_allow_shaders. Miscellaneous Steam Networking fixes. Miscellaneous UI layout fixes. The Half-Life dedicated server application (app 90) which is used by Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero has been updated with latest server code and updated windows and linux binaries. Updating is recommended.

Take a look at one of Left 4 Dead's earliest prototypes thanks to a Counter-Strike: CZ update mistake


Wuh-oh, for some reason, an "extremely early" Left 4 Dead prototype has been found thanks to a recent Counter-Strike: CZ update. Video games are weird little things - sometimes a dev will build something in a game that ends up unused, and it just has to get locked away as removing it could risk breaking everything else. That sometimes leads to fun little discoveries, and as shared by PCGamer, in Counter-Strike: CZ's recent 1.6 update, a Left 4 Dead prototype titled "Terror Strike" was discovered and is now completely playable. Valve content creator Gabe Follower shared word of the prototype on Twitter, pointing towards a user "The One Epicplayer" who apparently ported the zombie_city map as well as the bot navigation mesh. According to YouTuber ilovethevopo, "what you see is gameplay of Left 4 Dead back when it was a simple project using Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Yes, this is older than zombie_city and the leaked L4D footage that was re-discovered a few weeks ago, both of which w...

Condition Zero update released

by mikela

Half-Life and Counter-Strike updates are now available that affect Condition Zero through shared resources. Please see the Half-Life update notes and the Counter-Strike update notes for details.

PC Gaming's most surprising spin-offs

by (Craig Pearson)

I love a spin-off. Angel? Great stuff! Count Duckula? The Better Call Saul of cartoons. Kourtney and Khlo Take Miami? Take me, I m yours! I could go on and on cutting-and-pasting from this Wikipedia page, but I ll get to the point. Games also have spin-offs. Often they ll be forgotten about. Sometimes they re even disowned. On a few occasions, they ll take on a life of their own and exist apart from the game that spawned them, never calling, never visiting, only sending a multipack Christmas card. Below are a few stories of surprising spin-offs. The 2D Half-Life 2, the Fortnite that failed, the single-player Counter-Strike that no-one asked for, and more. (more…)

Condition Zero update released

by mikela

Half-Life and Counter-Strike updates are now available that affect Condition Zero through shared resources. Please see the Half-Life update notes and the Counter-Strike update notes for details.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero update released

by mikela

A small update for CS:CZ is now available: Engine Fixed bug in skybox image loading Fixed bug in resource parsing Fixed bug in demo command processing Prevent certain path characters from being used in commands Enforce certain extensions be used for files specified in some commands

Half-Life gets new patch, almost 19 years after launch

by (Alice O'Connor)

Though Half-Life is almost nineteen years old and its sanctioned fan remake Black Mesa is nearing completion, Valve have launched a wee patch for their pretty okay or whatever vintage FPS. The patch fixes a few crashes and exploits, and hit other Half-Life engine games too, such as classic Counter-Strike. Given how much of modern PC games history connects to Half-Life and its mod scene, I’m glad Valve are still tinkering a little. Earlier this year, they finally got Half-Life an uncensored release in Germany too. …

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero update released

by alfred

We have updated the public release of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Changes in this update are: Fixed crash when entering certain malformed strings into the game console. Thanks to Marshal Webb from BackConnect, Inc for reporting this. Fixed crash when loading a specially crafted malformed BSP file. Thanks to Grant Hernandez (@Digital_Cold) for reporting this. Fixed malformed SAV files allowing arbitrary files to be written into the game folder. Thanks to Vsevolod Saj for reporting this. Fixed a crash when quickly changing weapons that are consumable. Thanks to Sam Vanheer for reporting this. Fixed crash when setting custom decals

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero update released

by alfred

We have updated the public release of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Changes in this update are: Fixed crash when entering certain malformed strings into the game console. Thanks to Marshal Webb from BackConnect, Inc for reporting this. Fixed crash when loading a specially crafted malformed BSP file. Thanks to Grant Hernandez (@Digital_Cold) for reporting this. Fixed malformed SAV files allowing arbitrary files to be written into the game folder. Thanks to Vsevolod Saj for reporting this. Fixed a crash when quickly changing weapons that are consumable. Thanks to Sam Vanheer for reporting this. Fixed crash when setting custom decals

Counter-Strike turns 15: A collection of glitches, fails, and mods

by Ozzie Mejia

We've previously taken in Chatty's perspective on Counter-Strike's milestone 15th anniversary. But some of our posters opted to remember Valve's shooter by sharing some memorable videos. Some of them show off some classic glitches, memorable rage moments, and classic mods. There are also a few others that celebrate Chatty's legacy, showing off some classic CS gameplay from years gone by.

Counter-Strike turns 15: A Chatty retrospective

by Ozzie Mejia

It started as a simple mod to a classic first-person PC shooter. Taking Valve's original Half-Life, a pair of programmers tinkered with the game's script and worked to turn it into a team-based multiplayer romp. The result was a mod called Counter-Strike, which turned 15 on June 19 of this year. Since then, it turned into a retail release and quickly ballooned into a global phenomenon, becoming one of the most influential and beloved multiplayer experiences ever created. As a website with its roots firmly entrenched in PC gaming, Shacknews' Chatty community has some fond memories of battling Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists across the years. Their recollections range from unforgettable encounters, to funny bugs and glitches, to nights that just went on without end. This is a collection of memories from our community about Valve's Counter-Strike.

Losing it: Why bad players keep trying with good games


Image via Steam user MVDK. Written by Matt Thrower Fifteen years ago I thought myself the god of Unreal Tournament: an untouchable colossus of speed and firepower tearing through every difficulty level with consummate ease. So naturally, as soon as I got broadband I tried out for a high ranking clan. They wiped the floor with me, blowing my avatar asunder with the same insouciance I had playing against the bots and laughing as they fell before me. It was the beginning of a long and illustrious career of being Very Bad Indeed at online games. Yet here I remain, regularly clocking hours on Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty, and DayZ and regularly left propping up the leaderboards. I m hardly alone. Public servers commonly have their fair share of deadbeats alongside the clan members and twitch kiddies who rule the maps. The gaming demographic increasingly includes middle-aged people with kids and mortgages who want to kick back in the evening and have some fun, but don t have the free time to ...

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero update released

by alfred

We have updated the public release of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. This update contains all the changes from the recent beta, thanks to the whole community for their help with testing and suggesting new features. Changes in this update are: * Fixed dedicated server logs so they don't go into _addon or _download folders by mistake ;* Fixed crash due to pointer double free ;* Fixed console spam if a user connected with a particularly malformed UTF-8 name ;* Fixed "bomb has been dropped" message staying on the screen ;* Made keypad Enter key work for MOTD, team and class menus ;* Clamped health values to fix display issues when it dropped below 1 or above 255 ;* Fixed non-latin names being corrupted in voice labels ;* Fixed HTML form control elements not rendering correctly in the MOTD ;* Fix the snapshot command in the software mode renderer, and change the screenshot command in the software renderer to produce TGA files ;* Fixed test microphone button not working correctly ;* Fixed c...